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. 2020 Sep 14;7:1242–1254. doi: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2020.08.030

Table 4.

. Organ Weights Relative to Brain Weight.

Body weight and Organ weight relative to brain weight (%)
Group Body Liver Kidneys Heart Thymus Spleen Testes Epididy- Seminal Pituitary Adrenal Thyroid
(mg/kg bw/day) weight mides vesiclesa glands
0 (Control) Mean 18975.6 455.67 97.78 47.01 17.86 31.55 164.10 70.69 104.36 0.36 3.23 0.78
(n = 10b) SD 675.12 32.74 6.11 3.29 4.23 3.42 10.37 7.83 11.06 0.06 0.46 0.14
500 Mean 19776.2 486.45 107.30 48.82 18.10 32.15 166.85 74.66 111.27 0.35 3.12 0.84
(n = 10) SD 1451.96 47.97 7.90 2.72 3.79 2.34 6.64 5.06 14.70 0.04 0.49 0.10
SS *
1000 Mean 20040.8 513.91 110.33 50.59 18.49 32.57 171.80 77.87 111.86 0.39 3.22 0.84
(n = 10) SD 1345.49 57.95 13.46 4.05 4.21 5.53 11.59 6.87 16.06 0.06 0.42 0.13
SS * ** *
2000 Mean 20062.1 500.42 112.79 49.88 13.32 31.67 166.94 71.08 111.20 0.44 3.74 0.85
(n = 10) SD 2257.41 65.46 8.81 5.30 2.93 4.36 19.76 6.75 14.80 0.07 0.35 0.09
SS ** * ** *
Test for Significance NS DN DN NS DN NS NS DN NS DN DN NS
Historical Control Range 16500.0–24796.4 375.45–660.63 88.64–144.34 42.73–61.99 11.31–26.29 22.47–41.15 146.64–196.02 55.16–85.65 65.47–154.76 NE 1.95–4.27 NE

Female Ovaries Uterus
0 (Control) Mean 12016.9 364.96 74.50 36.91 15.89 24.36 4.26 37.61 0.49 3.99 1.09
(n = 10) SD 1010.67 62.28 3.97 3.25 4.30 3.81 1.23 6.63 0.08 0.52 0.15
500 Mean 12023.8 345.72 76.35 36.58 15.30 24.98 5.20 38.60 0.54 4.21 1.17
(n = 10) SD 1203.76 42.81 9.88 3.33 3.26 4.08 1.21 7.10 0.09 0.83 0.32
1000 Mean 11941.0 356.81 75.48 35.46 15.58 25.90 5.77 37.56 0.48 4.26 1.01
(n = 10) SD 743.17 40.51 5.75 2.26 2.06 3.43 1.55 6.61 0.06 0.46 0.15
SS *
2000 Mean 12180.9 333.80 75.38 34.68 14.84 23.80 5.39 38.19 0.56 4.50 1.04
(n = 10) SD 1219.24 38.34 6.89 3.28 2.46 2.81 1.01 8.40 0.07 0.58 0.12
Test for Significance NS NS NS NS NS NS DN NS NS NS NS
Historical Control Range 10000.0–13686.6 263.82–408.74 66.67–125.81 30.29–44.09 8.96–21.86 17.11–28.87 3.49–7.00 20.85–51.63 NE 2.99–5.56 NE

Abbreviations: DN, Duncan's multiple range test; NE, laboratory historical control data not yet established—new parameter in accordance with OECD 408 (25 June 2018); NS, Not Significant; SD, standard deviation; SS, statistically significant compared to control.

Remarks: Paired organs were weighed together.


Seminal vesicle coagulating gland and prostate (as a whole).


n = 9 for adrenal glands of control group males (adrenal glands one control male animal were not weighted due to loss at necropsy).


p < 0.05.


p < 0.01.