(A) Structural superposition of Mtb RNAP β1 (marine)/CARD-RID (magenta) [PDB ID 4KBM] with Tth RNAP β1 (orange)/TRCF-RID complex (cyan) [PDB ID 3MLQ] shows the solvent-exposed conserved protein-protein interface. (B) Structural and sequence alignment of Mtb CarD-RID (4KBM chain B) with Tth TRCF-RID (3MLQ chain E). Mtb CarD-RID with Tth TRCF-RID do not share significant sequence similarity but do share the same site for interaction with RNAP β1 (shown in the rectangular box). The figure was generated using ESPript 3 server (Robert and Gouet, 2014). (C) Structural and sequence alignment of Mtb RNAP β1β2 (4KBM chain A) with Tth RNAP β1 suggests that both Mtb RNAP β1β2 and Tth RNAP β1 (3MLQ chain A) share the conserved site for interaction with transcription factor-RID (shown in the rectangular box). The figure was generated using ESPript 3 server (Robert and Gouet, 2014).