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. 2020 Sep 21;10:321. doi: 10.1038/s41398-020-01005-y

Table 1.

Baseline measures included in the prognostic model.

 Demographics questionnaire29
Adolescent psychiatric symptoms
 Schedule for Affective disorders & schizophrenia for school-age children (K-SADS-PL)40
 About my life (SIQ JR)41
 Reynolds adolescent depression scale (RADS)42
 Brief symptom inventory (BSI)43
 Conners–Wells adolescent self-report scale (CASS)36
 Conners parent ratings scale (CPRS)34
 Health of the nation outcome scale for children and adolescents (HoNOSCA)44
 Multidimensional anxiety scale for children (MASC)45
 Personal experience screening questionnaire (PESQ)46
Health and development
 Female menstrual cycle (FMC)47
 Physical symptoms checklist (PSC)48
 Tanner staging form (TSF)49,50
 Wechsler intelligence scale for children (WECH)51
Family functioning
 Conflict behavior questionnaire (CBQ) adolescent report on mother52
 Conflict behavior questionnaire (CBQ) adolescent report on father52
 Conflict behavior questionnaire (CBQ) parent report52
 Dyadic adjustment scale (DAS)53
 Family assessment measure (FAM)54
 Issues checklist adolescent report (ICA)55
 Issues checklist parent report (ICAP)55
School functioning
 School functioning questionnaire29
General psychosocial functioning
 Children’s global assessment scale (CGAS)56
 Pediatric life events screen (PLES)57
 Pediatric quality of life scale (PQLQ)57
Life events
 Teen trauma history (TRAUMA)17
Cognitive style
 Beck hopelessness scale (BHS)58
 Modified children’s attributional style questionnaire (CASQ)59
 Children’s negative cognitive error questionnaire (CNCE)60
 Cognitive triad inventory for children (CTI)35
 Dysfunctional attitudes scale (DAS)61
 Social problem-solving inventory – revised (SPSI)62
Attitudes toward treatment
 Stages of change (SOC)63
 Treatment expectancy adolescent report15
 Treatment expectancy parent report15
Treatment history
 Child and adolescent services assessment (CASA)64
Parent psychiatric symptoms
 Beck depression inventory (BDI)65
 Conners’ adult ADHD rating scale (CAARS)66