Figure 4. . Differentially methylated CpG and differentially methylated region comparisons between primary sclerosing cholangitis with and without inflammatory bowel disease, and with primary biliary cholangitis.
(A) Common and unique DMCs between PSC with and without IBD (B) For the common DMCs between PSC with and without IBD, CpG methylation changes have similar scale and directions between the two conditions. Values on X and Y-axis are model statistics (Ward test) between cases versus controls. (C) Enriched pathways for the shared DMC-associated genes between PSC with and without IBD. (D) DMC overlaps among PBC, PSC with IBD and PSC without IBD. Minimal overlaps exist between PBC with either PSC with or without IBD. (E) DMR regional overlaps among PBC, PSC with IBD and PSC without IBD. (F) DMR-associated genes overlap among PBC, PSC with IBD and PSC without IBD.
DMC: Differentially methylated CpG; DMR: Differentially methylated region; IBD: Irritable bowel syndrome; PBC: Primary biliary cholangitis; PSC: Primary sclerosing cholangitis.