Time |
Mean value (Tmv) |
Maximum (Tmax) |
Root mean square (Trms) |
Variance (Tvr) |
Standard Deviation (Tsd) |
Peak-to-peak (Tp2p) |
Waveform Factor (Twf) |
Skewness Factor (Tsf) |
Kurtosis Factor (Tkf) |
Crest Factor (Tcf) |
Frequency |
Mean of power spectrum (Fmv) |
Maximum of power spectrum (Fmax) |
Root mean square of power spectrum (Frms) |
Variance of power spectrum (Fvr) |
Skewness of power spectrum (Fsf) |
Kurtosis of power spectrum (Fkf) |
Relative spectral peak per band (Frs) |