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. 2020 Aug 27;20(17):4844. doi: 10.3390/s20174844
CaO2 oxygen content in arterial blood
[Hb] hemoglobin concentration in blood
HbO2 oxygenated hemoglobin
dHb deoxygenated hemoglobin
SO2 oxygen saturation in blood vessels, arteries or veins
SaO2 arterial oxygen saturation
SpO2 arterial oxygen saturation measured by pulse oximetry
PaO2 arterial oxygen tension
SvO2 oxygen saturation in venous blood
StO2 oxygen saturation in tissue blood
SjO2 oxygen saturation in the jugular vein
SavO2 weighted mean of oxygen saturation in blood in the jugular vein and in a systemic artery
µa absorption constant
µs scattering coefficient
µs reduced scattering coefficient
g anisotropy
εO extinction coefficients of HbO2
εD extinction coefficients of dHb
ε the mean extinction coefficient of blood in the tissue vessels, arteries and veins
C hemoglobin concentration
I0 incident light intensity
It transmitted light intensity
d emitter-detector distance
l mean optical path-length
DPF differential pathlength factor
G light-loss due to tissue scattering
OD optical density
PPG photoplethysmography
ID The maximal value of the PPG pulse
IS The minimal value of the PPG pulse
AC the difference between the maximal and minimal values of the PPG pulse
DC the mean light transmission during the pulse
λ wavelengths
ΔC the maximal hemoglobin concentration increase in the tissue during systole
R ratio of ratios
NIRS Near infrared spectroscopy
TOI tissue oxygenation index
rSO2 regional oxygen saturation
CytOx cytochrome oxidase
IR(ρ,t) the intensity of the transmitted/reflected light in NIRS
ρ the distance from the light-source
t time
CW constant wave/intensity
fNIRS functional NIRS
fNIRI functional near infrared imaging
DOT diffuse optical tomography
PtO2 oxygen partial pressure in a tissue
TBI traumatic brain injury
CAR cerebral autoregulation
CBF cerebral blood flow
MAP mean arterial blood pressure