NCOA6 knockdown significantly impaired the invasion and migration of HTR‐8/SVneo cells. A, Significantly attenuated invasion and migration occurred after the transfection of NCOA6 siRNAs into HTR‐8/SVneo cells. All invaded/migrated cells outside the insert membrane were stained and photographed (left panel; scale bars: 1 mm). The fold change in cell invasion/migration capacity after treatment was estimated by counting the invaded/migrated cells with staining (right panel). B, In parallel with the transwell assays, CCK‐8 assays were carried out to determine the change in the number of cells 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours after transfection. C, D, The mRNA and protein levels of NCOA6 were examined after siRNA transfection. A representative image from a Western blot is shown, and the molecular weight markers are indicated on the left in kDa. All results are presented as the mean ± SD based on at least three independent experiments. **P < .01