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. 2020 Apr 1;15(8):e12635. doi: 10.1111/ijpo.12635


Characteristics of the study population (N = 3714)

Boys (N = 1850) Girls (N = 1864)
Normal weight N = 1635 (88.4%) Overweight N = 215 (11.6%) Normal weight N = 1592 (85.4%) Overweight N = 272 (14.6%)
Maternal age Mean (SD) 31.4 (5.1) 29.3 (5.7)* 31.5 (4.9) 29.5 (5.9)*
Maternal country of origin European origin N (%) 1181 (72.2) 89 (41.4)* 1192 (74.9) 117 (43.0)*
Other N (%) 454 (27.8) 126 (58.6) 400 (25.1) 155 (57.0)
Maternal socioeconomic status Low N (%) 320 (19.7) 82 (38.7)* 264 (16.7) 99 (37.2)*
Middle N (%) 575 (35.4) 87 (41.0) 602 (38.1) 101 (38.0)
High N (%) 731 (45.0) 43 (20.3) 716 (45.3) 66 (24.8)
Maternal weight status Not overweight N (%) 1177 (78.0) 106 (54.6)* 1182 (79.3) 123 (51.3)*
Overweight N (%) 332 (22.0) 88 (45.4) 309 (20.7) 117 (48.7)
Maternal parity Nulliparous N (%) 878 (53.7) 106 (49.3) 869 (54.6) 138 (50.7)
Multiparous N (%) 757 (46.3) 109 (50.7) 723 (45.4) 134 (49.3)
Maternal smoking during pregnancy Yes N (%) 158 (9.7) 30 (14.0)* 149 (9.4) 46 (16.9)*
No N (%) 1476 (90.3) 185 (86.0) 1443 (90.6) 226(83.1)
Gestational age at birth (days) Mean (SD) 279 (12) 278 (13) 279 (11) 279 (11)
Birth weight (grams) Mean (SD) 3548 (556) 3630 (581)* 3412 (515) 3443 (542)
BMI at age 5‐6 years Mean (SD) 15.5 (0.8) 18.9 (1.6)* 15.4 (0.9) 19.0 (1.7)*
Duration of exclusive breastfeedinga None N (%) 276 (17.7) 41 (20.3)* 250 (16.4) 57 (21.5)*
<1 months N (%) 125 (8.0) 26 (12.9) 124 (8.1) 32 (12.1)
1–3 months N (%) 459 (29.4) 69 (34.2) 434 (28.5) 67 (25.3)
>3 months N (%) 699 (44.8) 66 (32.7) 714 (46.9) 109 (41.1)
Sleep (h)a Mean (SD) 10.5 (0.9) 10.3 (1.1)* 10. 5 (0.9) 10.3 (1.1)*
Screentime (h)a Mean (SD) 1.5 (1.1) 1.9 (1.2)* 1.3 (0.9) 1.8 (1.2)*
Member of sports club a N (%) 646 (53.6) 66 (56.9) 506 (44.0) 91 (58.3)*

P < 0.05.


Measured in a subset of N = 3548 (breastfeeding) and N = 1309 (sleep, screen time, membership of sports club).