rAPN given prior to LPS decreases lung histopathology. Representative photomicrographs of lung sections from animals treated with saline/LPS (top and bottom left hand), rAPN/LPS and bottom (top right hand), rAPN/saline (middle left hand), saline/saline (middle right hand). PND4 rat pups were treated with rAPN (2 mg/kg) or saline by IP injections and, after 4 hr LPS (5 mg/kg) or saline was administered IPh. Twenty‐four hours later, animals were given an additional dose of saline or rAPN IP, and 48 hr later lungs were inflated, paraffin‐embedded, and stained with H&E (n = 4 per group). LPS‐exposed animals had thickened alveolar septa and cellular infiltrate in the interstitium of the lung that was not observed in the animals treated with rAPN/LPS or the other two treatment groups (rAPN/saline; saline/saline control). Bottom images are magnification of insets in top panel