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. 2020 Jul 6;16(4):e13044. doi: 10.1111/mcn.13044


Characteristics of NDHS data and of WRA (15–49 years) in 2006, 2011 and 2016 NDHS

Characteristics of NDHS NDHS year
2006 2011 2016
Total households (N) 8,707 10,826 11,490
Response rate (%) 99.6 99.4 98.5
Total women sampled (N) 10,793 12,674 12,862
Pregnant during survey (N (%)) 626 (5.8) 614 (4.8) 536 (4.2)
Nonpregnant women with no haemoglobin measurements (N (%)) 126 (1.2) 6,266 (52.0) 6,192 (50.0)
Nonpregnant women with haemoglobin measurements available (N) a 10,041 5,794 6,134
Weighted N b 10,043 5,795 6,124
Characteristics of WRA N c Mean (±SD) N c Mean (±SD) N c Mean (±SD)
Age of women (years) 10,043 29.0 (10.0) 5,795 29.1 (9.8) 6,124 29.5 (9.8)
Education (years of schooling) 10,043 3.2 (4.0) 5,795 4.4 (4.2) 6,124 5.1 (4.4)
Total number of children 10,043 2.2 (0.8) 5,795 2.1 (0.9) 6,124 2.0 (0.9)
% [95% CI] % [95% CI] % [95% CI]
No education 5,310 52.9 [51.9, 53.8] 2,284 39.4 [38.2, 40.7] 2,073 33.9 [32.7, 35.0]
Primary 1,762 17.5 [16.8, 18.3] 1,026 17.7 [16.7, 18.7] 1,007 16.4 [15.5, 17.4]
Secondary 2,571 25.6 [24.8, 26.5] 2,052 35.4 [34.2, 36.7] 2,167 35.4 [34.2, 36.6]
Higher secondary and above 399 4.0 [3.6, 4.4] 433 7.5 [6.8, 8.2] 877 14.3 [13.5, 15.2]
Currently working 7,208 71.8 [70.9, 72.6] 3,593 62.0 [60.7, 63.2] 3,563 58.2 [56.9, 59.4]
Prevalence of underweight 2,429 24.2 [23.3, 25.1] 1,052 18.2 [17.2, 19.2] 1,051 17.2 [16.2, 18.1]
Prevalence of overweight/obesity 856 8.5 [8.0, 9.1] 770 13.3 [12.4, 14.2] 1,354 22.1 [21.1, 23.2]
Prevalence of anaemia
Not anaemic 6,480 64.5 [63.6, 65.5] 3,804 65.6 [64.4, 66.9] 3,643 59.5 [58.3, 60.7]
Anaemic 3,563 35.5 [34.5, 36.4] 1,991 34.4 [33.1, 35.6] 2,481 40.5 [39.3, 41.7]

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; NDHS, Nepal Demographic and Health Survey; WRA, women of reproductive age.


Data used for average annual rate of change analysis.


Weighted data used for multilevel analysis.


Weighted N.