Figure 7.
Magnetic field and plasma moments as observed at the barycenter of the four MMS spacecraft for a magnetopause crossing of 14 December 2015—00:57:40–01:00:10 UT. The panels include (a) total magnetic field, (b) magnetic field components in the geocentric solar ecliptic (GSE) coordinates, (c) ion plasma density, (d) ion velocity components, (e) electron velocity components, (f) parallel (red solid line) and perpendicular (black solid line) current density components, (g) parallel (red solid line) and perpendicular (black solid line) ion temperature components, and (h) plasma beta β, defined as the ratio of plasma thermal pressure to magnetic pressure. The magenta‐shaded bars indicate the locations of FTEs. The cyan bar indicates the location of a possible reconnection inflow crossing.