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. 2020 Sep 17;79(6):917–933.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2020.07.013

Mouse monoclonal anti-V5 Bio-Rad Cat# MCA1360
Mouse monoclonal anti-HA (12CA5) Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 11583816001
Mouse monoclonal anti-E2a (5E11) Abcam Cat# ab977
Rabbit polyclonal anti-Rad21 (fission yeast) BioAcademia Cat# 63-139
Anti-rabbit IgG (HRP-conjugated) GE Healthcare Cat# NA934-1ML
Anti-mouse IgG (HRP-conjugated) GE Healthcare Cat# NA931

Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins

Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 11359061001
cOmplete EDTA-Free Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 11873580001
CLIP-Surface 547 New England BioLabs Cat# S9233S
SNAP-Surface Alexa Fluor 647 New England BioLabs Cat# S9136S
BC-NH2 New England BioLabs Cat# S9236S
BG-NH2 New England BioLabs Cat# S9148S
DTT Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 43815-5G
BSA ThermoFisher Cat# AM2616
poly-dIdC:dIdC Sigma-Aldrich Cat# P4929-10UN
biotin Sigma-Aldrich Cat# B4501-1G
ATP Sigma-Aldrich Cat# A2383
ADP Sigma-Aldrich Cat# A2754
Beryllium sulrate tetrahydrate VWR international LTD Cat# 16104.14
Sodium fluoride 0.5 M Solution Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 67414-1ML-F
Aluminum chloride Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 449598-5G
Sodium Orthovanadate New England BioLabs Cat# P0758S
InstantBlue Sigma-Aldrich Cat# ISB1L-1L
SYBR Gold Nucleic Acid Gel Stain ThermoFisher Cat# S11494
Protease K TaKaRa Cat# 9034
AcTEV protease ThermoFisher Cat# 12575015
PstI-HF New England BioLabs Cat# R3140S
T7 DNA polymerase New England BioLabs Cat# M0274S
CloneAmp HiFi PCR Premix TaKaRa Cat# 639298
GoTaq Taq G2 DNA Polymerase Promega Cat# M7845
Deoxynucleotide Set Sigma-Aldrich Cat# DNTP100-1KT
Aminoallyl-dUTP Stratech Scientific Ltd Cat# NU-803S-JEN-10ul
SDAD (NHS-SS-Diazirine) ThermoFisher Cat# 26169
SDA (NHS-Diazirine) ThermoFisher Cat# 26167
Lysyl EndopeptidaseR (Lys-C) FUJIFILM Cat# 129-02541
Ammonium bicarbonate Sigma-Aldrich Cat# 09830-500G
Fission yeast cohesin (Psm1-Psm3-Rad21-Psc3) Murayama and Uhlmann, 2014 N/A
Fission yeast EQ-cohesin (Psm1E1161Q-Psm3E1128Q- Rad21-Psc3) Murayama and Uhlmann, 2015 N/A
Fission yeast KKQQ cohesin (Psm1-Psm3K105Q/K106Q- Rad21-Psc3) Murayama and Uhlmann, 2015 N/A
Fission yeast Mis4-Ssl3 Murayama and Uhlmann, 2014 N/A
Fission yeast Mis4 N-191 Chao et al., 2015 N/A
Fission yeast Pds5 Murayama and Uhlmann, 2015 N/A
Fission yeast Wapl Murayama and Uhlmann, 2015 N/A

Critical Commercial Assays

SilverQuest Silver Staining Kit ThermoFisher Cat# LC6070
InFusion HD cloning kit TaKaRa Cat# 638910
Human IgG-Agarose Sigma-Aldrich Cat# A6284-5ML
Glutathione Sepharose 4B GE Healthcare Cat# 17075601
Ni-NTA Superflow (25 ml) QIAGEN Cat# 30410
HiTrap Heparin HP 1 ml GE Healthcare Cat# 17040601
Superdex 200 Increase 10/300 GL GE Healthcare Cat# 28990944
Superdex 75 Increase 10/300GL GE Healthcare Cat# 29148721
Superose 6, 10/300 GL GE Healthcare Cat# 17517201
Amicon Ultra-4 centrifuge filter unit Sigma-Aldrich Cat# UFC810096
Slide-A-Lyzer MINI Dialysis Devices, 20K MWCO ThermoFisher Cat# 69555
Dynabeads M-280 Streptavidin ThermoFisher Cat#11206D
Dynabeads Protein A ThermoFisher Cat#10002D
ECL Prime Western Blotting Detection Regent GE Healthcare Cat# RPN2232
Zeba Spin Desalting Columns, 7K MWCO, 0.5 mL ThermoFisher Cat# 89882
MICROSPIN S-400 HR, 50 COLUMNS GE Healthcare Cat#GE27-5140-01
TLC PEI Cellulose F Merck Cat#105725

Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains

All yeast strains used in this study are listed in Table S1. Lab stock and this study N/A
Escherichia coli: BL21 (DE3) codonPlus RIPL chemical competent cells Agilent Technologies Cat#230280


TH1:[bioteg]agcgcagcgagtcagtgagcgagg Sigma-Aldrich N/A
TH2:cggtcgttcggctgcggcgagcgg Sigma-Aldrich N/A
TH3: [bioteg]cggtcgttcggctgcggcgagcgg Sigma-Aldrich N/A
TH4:agcgcagcgagtcagtgagcgagg Sigma-Aldrich N/A
TH5:cctttttacggttcctggcc Sigma-Aldrich N/A

Recombinant DNA

pBluescript II KS(+) Murayama and Uhlmann, 2014, 2015, Murayama et al., 2018 N/A
ssDNA of pBluescript II KS(+) Murayama et al., 2018 N/A
M13KO7 Helper Phage New England BioLabs Cat# N0315S
JM109 competent cells New England BioLabs Cat#E4107
Plasmid: pMis4-PA Murayama and Uhlmann, 2014 N/A
Plasmid: pMis4-N191-PA Chao et al., 2015 N/A
Plasmid: pSsl3 Murayama and Uhlmann, 2014 N/A
Plasmid: pGEX-Wapl Murayama and Uhlmann, 2015 N/A

Software and Algorithms

Fiji ImageJ open source
UCSF ChimeraX Resource for Biocomputing Visualization, and Informatics
PyMOL Schrodinger
PEAKS X+ Bioinfomatics Solutions Inc.
xiVIEW Rappsilber lab
CCBuilder 2.0 open source
Clustal Omega open source

Deposited Data

Protein-protein crosslink mass spectrometry (CLMS) data PRIDE PXD018608
DNA-protein crosslink mass spectrometry (DPC-MS) PRIDE PXD018600
Negative stain EM map EMDB EMD-10870
cryo-EM map EMDB EMD-10930
cryo-EM atomic coordinates PDB 6YUF
Unprocessed gel images presented in this manuscript can be found at N/A N/A