FIG 5.
The predicted structure and cytotoxicity profile of LFG. (A) Overall structure of LF showing the position of LFG (red) within the C lobe. Green box indicates the location of the 310-helical region of LFG. Blue box shows this region magnified and from another angle, with the 310-helical residues highlighted in red. (B) Helical wheel projection of the 310-helical section of LFG, generated using the NetWheels online tool. (C) Cytotoxicity profiles of LFG alone and in combination with AMB against A549 cells, measured by MTT reduction assay. A549 cells were treated with 10% water as a vehicle control (CTRL) or with different concentrations of LFG (0.5, 2, and 8 μg/ml), AMB (0.0625, 0.5, and 1 μg/ml), or AMB+LFG combined for 24 h. Values shown are averages from six technical replicates for each treatment. OD, optical density. Points and error bars show the mean values ± 95% confidence intervals.