Fig. 4. DMA-135 changes the local and global structure of the EV71 SLII IRES domain.
a Overlay of 1H-1H NOESY spectra (tm = 200 ms) of free SLII (red) and the (DMA-135)-SLII complex (black). The orange lines (solid and dashed) indicate NOE spin systems and chemical shifts that are identical between free SLII and the (DMA-135)-SLII complex. The black lines (solid and dashed) indicate NOE spin systems and chemical shifts of SLII within the complex that are significantly different from those of free SLII (indicated by red solid and dashed lines). Selected region of the 1H-1H NOESY spectrum of the (DMA-135)-SLII complex showing intermolecular and intramolecular NOEs between methyl protons on DMA-135 and nucleobases of SLII. b 1D 19F NMR spectra of DMA-197 in the absence (red) and presence of SLII at 1:1 complex (blue). c Correlation plot showing agreement between measured RDCs of free SLII and SLII within the DMA-135 complex. All NMR spectra were collected at 900 MHz in 10 mm K2HPO4, 20 mm KCl, 0.5 mm EDTA, and 4 mm BME (pH 6.5) D2O buffer at 298 K.