Fig. 1. Synthesis and physical characterization of MoNi4 and WNi4 alloys.
a Schematic illustration of the synthesis of MoNi4 and WNi4 alloys. b, e SEM images of MoNi4 and WNi4 alloys, respectively. Scale bars, 200 nm. Insets in b, e are photographs of MoNi4 (2.2 g) and WNi4 (4.0 g) alloys synthesized in one batch. c, f STEM images of MoNi4 and WNi4 alloys, respectively. Scale bars, 200 nm c and 50 nm f. d, g Atomic-resolution HAADF-STEM images of typical MoNi4 and WNi4 particles, respectively. Scale bars, 2 nm. Insets in d, g show corresponding FFT patterns. The white arrows denote atomic steps. h XRD patterns of MoNi4, WNi4, and freshly synthesized Ni. Insets give corresponding crystal structures. i STEM-EDX elemental mappings of MoNi4 and WNi4 alloys. Scale bars, 500 nm (up) and 100 nm (down).