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. 2020 Aug 27;45:100846. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2020.100846

Table 2.

Summary of our rat studies: Main effects of maternal deprivation and complex housing compared to their respective control conditions. ‘↓’ decreased/impaired, ‘↑’ increased/improved or ‘=’ no change. MD*CH: interaction effect of maternal deprivation (MD) and complex housing (CH) in females (F) and males (M). Because of lengthy behavioral procedures, not all tests could be performed in both males and females (marked with −). For each paper, studies were performed with different batches of animals. Rats were either isolated for 3h or 24h before a play session. The grey numbers in superscript refer to the studies that report the results: 1van der Veen et al. 2015, 2Kentrop et al. 2016, 3Kentrop et al. 2018, 4Kentrop et al, this issue.

Experimental readouts Maternally deprived (MD) versus
Complex housing (CH)
Standard housing
Females Males Females Males F/M
Bodyweight 3 1,2,3 =3 1,3 no1,2,3
Social play (3 h iso) =3 =3 3 3 no3
Social play (24 h iso) =3 3 3 3 no3

Adulthood Bodyweight 3 =1,3/↓2 3 =1,3 no1,2,3
Behavioral inhibition =1/↓2 1 no1,2
Attention =1,2 1 no1,2
Social interest =3 =3 =3 3 no3
Social discrimination 3 3 =3 =3 no3
Pro-social decision making 4
Motivation for pro-social liberation Work in progress Work in progress