Predisposing Vulnerabilities |
Sex – female (except for military/veteran cohorts)
Intellectual disability
Comorbid neurological conditions
Other nervous system vulnerabilities
Co-morbid functional somatic disorders (i.e., fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, other chronic pain disorders)
Sensory processing difficulties
Mood and anxiety disorders, PTSD, personality disorders
Insecure attachment
Temperament and maladaptive personality traits (i.e., obsessive-compulsive, neuroticism)
Family functioning
Chronic illness in family
Traumatic death in family
Adverse life experiences
Financial status
Inadequate social support
Precipitating Factors |
Abnormal physiological event(s), such as sleep deprivation, hyperventilation, palpitations
Acute physical pain
Peripheral limb injury or head trauma
Dizziness caused by vestibular event
Surgical intervention
Loss of employment or other occupational difficulty
Divorce or marital strain
Traumatic death of loved one
Other relational stress
Perpetuating Factors |
Negative expectation bias
Negative attentional bias
Illness beliefs including perception of symptom irreversibility or attribution to another cause
Fear of falling
“No pain no gain” philosophy to healing
Avoidance of symptom exacerbation
Hypervigilance and dissociation
Identity linked to rigid concepts around self-control, productivity, self-efficacy
Provider diagnostic uncertainty
Social benefits of being ill (often out of awareness)
Pending litigation
Workmen’s compensation/disability
Poor care coordination
Poor family buy in/support of diagnosis and treatment plan
Employer or patient urgency to return to work