Table 1.
The Biopsychosocial Model: Predisposing, Precipitating and Perpetuating Factors for the Development and Maintenance of Motor Functional Neurological Disorders
Biological | Psychological | Psychosocial | |
Predisposing Vulnerabilities |
Precipitating Factors |
Perpetuating Factors |
Notes: The above list is not exhaustive but rather is representative of the commonly encountered factors that are relevant to consider in developing a patient-oriented biopsychosocial formulation. A given factor may also cut across categories; for example, alexithymia can be both a predisposing vulnerability and a perpetuating factor. Adapted from Psychosomatics. 59(4). McKee K, Glass S, Adams C, et al. The inpatient assessment and management of motor functional neurological disorders: an interdisciplinary perspective. 358–368, copyright (2018), with permission from Elsevier.21