In Experiment 1, a blue transparent filter was placed on one half of the screen laid flat in front of the participant (and between the participant and the experimenter in the Other-Judgement condition). An L-shaped opaque barrier was placed over the unfiltered half of the screen. On each trial, the object passed under the barrier from the unfiltered to filtered section and back again before a colour scale appeared on the edge of the unfiltered side of the screen. In the Self-Judgement condition, the participant performed the task alone (the experimenter left the room) and in the Other-Judgement condition the experimenter sat opposite the participant and could only see the object through the filter. Participants were instructed to click on the scale according to either the colour the object appeared to them under the filter (Self-Judgement condition) or the colour the object appeared to the experimenter under the filter (Other-Judgement condition). In the Reality Seen condition, participants saw the full trajectory of the object prior to making their response. In the Reality Unseen condition, a covering/occluder was placed over the unfiltered section of screen, and thus the participant only saw the object through the filter.