Relationship between thermal hyperalgesia and alcohol consumption in animals with chronic inflammatory pain over four weeks. (A) Hindpaw-withdrawal latency negatively correlated with prior 24 h alcohol consumption 1 week post-CFA treatment (R = −0.7922, p = 0.034); (B) There was no correlation between hindpaw-withdrawal latency and prior 24-hour alcohol consumption 2 weeks post-CFA treatment (R = −0.1983, p = 0.670); (C) Hindpaw-withdrawal latency positively correlated with prior 24-hour alcohol consumption 3 weeks post-CFA treatment (R = 0.8184, p = 0.024); (D) Hindpaw-withdrawal latency positively correlated with prior 24-hour alcohol consumption 4 weeks post-CFA treatment (R = 0.7495, p = 0.052). Data were analyzed using linear regression. CFA-treated, red (n = 7). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)