Figure 1.
The expression of VEGF family members and relevant receptors in Müller cells. The expression of VEGF family member and receptor was assessed at mRNA and protein levels by qPCR and ELISA in murine QMMuC-1 Müller cells, PMCs, and human MIO-M1 cells under normal culture conditions. (A–C), mRNA expression of VEGF-A, -B, -C, -D, and PlGF in QMMuC-1 (A), PMCs (B), and human MIO-M1 (C). (D) Protein quantification by ELISA of VEGF-A and VEGF-B in QMMuC-1 Müller cell lysates. (E–H), VEGF receptor expression in Müller cells. mRNA expression of VEGFR1, VEGFR2, and coreceptor NRP1 in murine Müller cell line QMMuC-1 cells (E), PMCs (F), and in human MIO-M1 Müller cells (G). (H) ELISA measurement of VEGFR1, VEGFR2 and NRP1 in QMMuC-1 cell lysates. n = 3 per group in PCR data and n = 4 in protein. •P < 0.05; ••P < 0.01 Student t test when two groups are compared. ****P < 0.001; ***P < 0.005; **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05. One-way ANOVA followed by Newmann-Keuls post hoc test.