Fig. 4.
Functional profiling of asthmatic and healthy microbiomes based on PICRUSt2 analyses of 16S data. To obtain a graphical representation of PICRUSt2 functional composition among samples, we summarized PICRUSt abundances into Bray-Curtis dissimilarities and performed a NMDS ordination (a). Permutational analysis of variance (adonis R function, or Permanova) determined significant differences in beta-diversity among different groups at p-value < 0.0001. Significant functional pathways were plotted in a heatmap, only pediatric healthy and pediatric asthma groups from red boxes were used for B (b). The bar plot shows log2 ratios of the average pathway abundance for pediatric healthy and pediatric asthma subjects of each pathway displaying ANOVA with p-value < 0.05. Pediatric healthy and pediatric asthma more abundant pathways are colored in red and blue, respectively (c)