Table 7.
Most Cited Articles.
Cited by | Authors | Title | Year | Source title | Citations per year |
598 | Boulos M.N.K., Wheeler S., Tavares C., Jones R. | How smartphones are changing the face of mobile and participatory healthcare: An overview, with an example from eCAALYX | 2011 | BioMedical Engineering Online | 74.75 |
316 | Krebs P., Duncan D.T. | Health app use among US mobile phone owners: A national survey | 2015 | JMIR mHEALTH and uHEALTH | 79.00 |
206 | Middelweerd A., Mollee J.S., van der Wal C.N., Brug J., te Velde S.J. | Apps to promote physical activity among adults: A review and content analysis | 2014 | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity | 41.20 |
200 | Young J., Angevaren M., Rusted J., Tabet N. | Aerobic exercise to improve cognitive function in older people without known cognitive impairment | 2015 | Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews | 50.00 |
183 | Dimitrov D.V. | Medical internet of things and big data in healthcare | 2016 | Healthcare Informatics Research | 61.00 |
175 | Schoeppe S., Alley S., Van Lippevelde W., Bray N.A., Williams S.L., Duncan M.J., Vandelanotte C. | Efficacy of interventions that use apps to improve diet, physical activity and sedentary behaviour: A systematic review | 2016 | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity | 58.33 |
175 | Azar K.M.J., Lesser L.I., Laing B.Y., Stephens J., Aurora M.S., Burke L.E., Palaniappan L.P. | Mobile applications for weight management: Theory-based content analysis | 2013 | American Journal of Preventive Medicine | 29.17 |
167 | Payne H.E., Lister C., West J.H., Bernhardt J.M | Behavioral Functionality of Mobile Apps in Health Interventions: A Systematic Review of the Literature | 2015 | Journal of Medical Internet Research | 41.75 |
161 | West J.H., Hall P.C., Hanson C.L., Barnes M.D., Giraud-Carrier C., Barrett J. | There's an app for that: Content analysis of paid health and fitness apps | 2012 | Journal of Medical Internet Research | 23.00 |
156 | Lister C., West J.H., Cannon B., Sax T., Brodegard D. | Just a fad? Gamification in health and fitness apps | 2014 | Journal of Medical Internet Research | 31.20 |
153 | Haghi M., Thurow K., Stoll R. | Wearable devices in medical internet of things: Scientific research and commercially available devices | 2017 | Healthcare Informatics Research | 76.50 |
145 | Direito A., Pfaeffli Dale L., Shields E., Dobson R., Whittaker R., Maddison R. | Do physical activity and dietary smartphone applications incorporate evidence-based behaviour change techniques? | 2014 | BMC Public Health | 29.00 |
130 | Cowan L.T., van Wagenen S.A., Brown B.A., Hedin R.J., Seino-Stephan Y., Hall P.C., West J.H. | Apps of Steel: Are Exercise Apps Providing Consumers With Realistic Expectations? A Content Analysis of Exercise Apps for Presence of Behavior Change Theory | 2013 | Health Education and Behavior | 21.67 |
107 | Higgins J.P. | Smartphone Applications for Patients' Health and Fitness | 2016 | American Journal of Medicine | 35.67 |
102 | Bardus M., van Beurden S.B., Smith J.R., Abraham C. | A review and content analysis of engagement, functionality, aesthetics, information quality, and change techniques in the most popular commercial apps for weight management | 2016 | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity | 34.00 |
92 | Anderson K., Burford O., Emmerton L. | Mobile health apps to facilitate self-care: A qualitative study of user experiences | 2016 | PLoS ONE | 30.67 |
85 | Edwards E.A., Lumsden J., Rivas C., Steed L., Edwards L.A., Thiyagarajan A., Sohanpal R., Caton H., Griffiths C.J., Munafò M.R., Taylor S., Walton R.T. | Gamification for health promotion: systematic review of behaviour change techniques in smartphone apps | 2016 | BMJ open | 28.33 |
82 | Balsalobre-Fernández C., Glaister M., Lockey R.A. | The validity and reliability of an iPhone app for measuring vertical jump performance | 2015 | Journal of Sports Sciences | 20.50 |
78 | Sullivan A.N., Lachman M.E. | Behavior change with fitness technology in sedentary adults: A review of the evidence for increasing physical activity | 2017 | Frontiers in Public Health | 39.00 |
73 | Rabin C., Bock B. | Desired Features of Smartphone Applications Promoting Physical Activity | 2011 | Telemedicine and e-Health | 9.13 |
72 | McConnell M.V., Shcherbina A., Pavlovic A., Homburger J.R., Goldfeder R.L., Waggot D., Cho M.K., Rosenberger M.E., Haskell W.L., Myers J., Champagne M.A., Mignot E., Landray M., Tarassenko L., Harrington R.A., Yeung A.C., Ashley E.A. | Feasibility of obtaining measures of lifestyle from a smartphone app: The MyHeart Counts cardiovascular health study | 2017 | JAMA Cardiology | 36.00 |
72 | Ancker J.S., Witteman H.O., Hafeez B., Provencher T., Van De Graaf M., Wei E. | “You get reminded you're a sick person”: Personal data tracking and patients with multiple chronic conditions | 2015 | Journal of Medical Internet Research | 18.00 |
69 | McKay F.H., Cheng C., Wright A., Shill J., Stephens H., Uccellini M. | Evaluating mobile phone applications for health behaviour change: A systematic review | 2018 | Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare | 69.00 |
68 | Dehling T., Gao FJ., Schneider S., Sunyaev A. | Exploring the Far Side of Mobile Health: Information Security and Privacy of Mobile Health Apps on iOS and Android | 2015 | JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH | 17.00 |
66 | Mackert M., Mabry-Flynn A., Champlin S., Donovan E.E., Pounders K. | Health literacy and health information technology adoption: The potential for a new digital divide | 2016 | Journal of Medical Internet Research | 22.00 |
64 | Wartella E., Rideout V., Montague H., Beaudoin-Ryan L., Lauricella A. | Teens, health and technology: A national survey | 2016 | Media and Communication | 21.33 |
64 | Ancker J.S., Witteman HO., Hafeez B., Provencher T., Van de Graaf M., Wei E. | “You Get Reminded You're a Sick Person”: Personal Data Tracking and Patients with Multiple Chronic Conditions | 2015 | Journal of Medical Internet Research | 16.00 |
60 | Direito A., Jiang Y., Whittaker R., Maddison R. | Apps for IMproving FITness and increasing physical activity among young people: The AIMFIT pragmatic randomized controlled trial | 2015 | Journal of Medical Internet Research | 15.00 |