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. 2020 Sep 22;70(699):e740–e748. doi: 10.3399/bjgp20X712793

Table 6.

How EARS tools are used

Use England (N = 133) NI, Scotland, and Wales (N = 15) Total (N = 148)
n % n % n %
To identify patients for follow up or review (case finding) by practice staff 113 85.0 12 80.0 125 84.5
To identify patients for follow up or review (case finding) by non-practice staff 69 51.9 4 26.7 73 49.3
To inform service planning or development work at CCG/health board/LCG level 64 48.1 7 46.7 71 48.0
To inform service planning or development by groups of practices (for example, practice clusters or networks) 40 30.1 9 60.0 49 33.1
In relation to service evaluations 26 19.5 5 33.3 31 20.9

CCG = clinical commissioning group. LCG = local commissioning group. NI = Northern Ireland.