Figure 4. Compound 8430 partially reverses SIX1-mediated transcriptional signature.
RNA sequencing was conducted using total RNA isolated from 3 days of treatment as follows: MCF7-Ctrl+Vehicle (DMSO), MCF7-SIX1+Vehicle, and MCF7-SIX1+8430 (10μM). Each sample was analyzed in biological triplicates. a. Venn Diagram demonstrates the number of genes impacted by SIX1 overexpression (OE) and 8430 treatment, respectively. Genes that are upregulated with SIX1 OE and downregulated with 8430 treatment (or vice versa) are marked as overlap between the expression signatures. b. Over-representation analysis (ORA) was performed using genes identified to be differentially expressed (p-adj <0.1). Dotplots demonstrate top 15 enriched hallmark pathways (ranked by adjusted p value), when comparing gene signatures of “SIX1+Vehicle” to “Ctrl+Vehicle” (top), or “SIX1+8430” to “SIX1+Vehicle” (bottom). Pathways that overlap or not overlap between the two graphs are labeled in black and grey, respectively, except for EMT, which is highlighted in red due to our focus on this pathway. c. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) was performed on ranked fold-change expression for SIX1+Veh to Ctrl+Veh (left) or SIX1+8430 to SIX1+Veh (right), demonstrating that SIX1 OE and 8430 treatment influence genes involved in EMT.