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. 2020 Sep 15;6(3):e22060. doi: 10.2196/22060

Table 4.

Numbers of participants who correctly answered individual items on the scale measuring knowledge about COVID-19 (N=1243), n (%). F: correct answer is false; T: correct answer is true.


Correct responses
The United States is weeks away from having an FDA approved vaccine for coronavirus (F) 753 (60.6)
Antibiotics can be used to treat the coronavirus (F) 878 (70.6)
Most people who are infected with the coronavirus die from it (F) 991 (79.7)
I cannot be infected if I wear a mask (F) 1048 (84.3)
People do not transmit the virus if they don’t have symptoms (F) 1053 (84.7)
Eating garlic can lower your chances of getting infected with the coronavirus (F) 1054 (84.8)
Most people who are infected with the coronavirus recover from it (T) 1070 (86.1)
By limiting the contact I have with people outside my household, I could prevent somebody's death (T) 1128 (90.8)
The main symptoms of the coronavirus are fever and cough (T) 1142 (91.9)
People of all ages can be infected with the coronavirus (T) 1155 (92.9)
People of all racial and ethnic groups can become infected with the coronavirus (T) 1163 (93.6)
To protect myself I need to wash hands frequently (T) 1173 (94.4)