Fig. 2. 2D diffraction patterns measured on pristine La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-δ thin film electrodes with buried Pt current collectors at 625 ± 10 °C in two different atmospheres.
The black parts are beam stops (either physical or digital ones) to block signal with a too high intensity. a Atmosphere: 5% O2/balance Ar. The circular segments in the left part of the pattern indicate different phases (gray/dash-dotted: Pt, green/solid: La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-δ), while the numbered red triangles show different integration regions. b Atmosphere: 2.5% H2/0.25% H2O/balance Ar. For the sake of better visibility the phase identification was omitted here. On patterns measured under reducing conditions a third integration region was applied for comparison with samples after Fe exsolution.