Figure 5. The natural evolution of SD SRF after SB surgery.
Images represent serial OCT images showing the natural course of a 41-year-old patient with SD SRF after SB surgery for macula-off RRD. A: Diffused SRF was observed 1mo after surgery. BCVA was 0.7 logMAR. B: Three months after surgery, the SRF pattern had transformed from the diffuse type to the MB type, with discontinuous retinal reattachment. BCVA was 0.7 logMAR. C: Six months after surgery, the width of the SRF had decreased. BCVA was 0.6 logMAR. D: Nine months after surgery, the width and number of blebs had decreased, BCVA was 0.4 logMAR. E: Twelve months after surgery, the blebs showed gradual regression, leaving a single bleb. BCVA was 0.3 logMAR. F: Fifteen months after surgery, the width of the single bleb SRF had decreased. BCVA was 0.3 logMAR. G: Complete resolution of bleb SRF was confirmed 18mo after surgery. BCVA was 0.2 logMAR.