Figure 1.
(A) Scheme depicting the B. tabaci MEAM1 genomic region harboring BtRIP1 (XM_019046661) and BtRIP2 (XM_019046743) genes. Arrows depict the genes in the genomic scaffold. The empty arrows show genes surrounding the BtRIPs that encode proteins with highest BLAST score to arthropod sequences (see arrow code in Supplementary Table S1). The untranslated (UTRs) and coding regions of mRNA in BtRIP1 and BtRIP2 genes are represented with light blue and blue colors, respectively. (B) Unrooted phylogeny of RIP genes. Branches are colored according to taxonomy: bacteria (light blue), plants (green), fungi (blue), metazoan (red). TBE support values of relevant divergences are shown at nodes. Mosquito and whitefly clades are marked with silhouettes. Fully annotated phylogeny is available as Supplementary Figure S4. (C) Phylogeny of selected species from Neoptera orders. The tree including species from Diptera (17), Hemiptera (12) and Psocodea (1) orders with fully sequenced genomes was constructed with the TimeTree knowledge-base33. Insects harboring RIP genes are shown in red branches. The two independent HGT events are graphically represented at the estimated time windows, with the hypothetical donors shown as silhouettes. Time in million years ago (MYA) is indicated at the bottom.