Fig. 4.
The presence of the primary tumour is essential for promoting control of metastatic disease after Treg-depletion. a DTx treatment was started after 4T1 tumours were resected. b Metastatic colonies in Treg-depleted and Treg-replete mice were compared, a Mann–Whitney test was used to determine no significant difference was observed between the number of metastatic colonies in Treg-replete versus Treg-depleted mice (15–18 mice/group). c Haematoxylin and eosin staining of paraffin-embedded sections from Treg-replete versus Treg-depleted metastatic lungs. d The number of CD3+ T cells (brown) per μm of metastatic nodules was calculated in the lungs of Treg-replete and Treg-depleted mice (9 metastatic nodules/group). e Representative staining of CD3+ T cells in metastatic lung nodules from Treg-replete and Treg-depleted mice