Diffusion Tensor Imaging. a) Results of TBSS analyses comparing the fractional anisotropy between patient with PTSD (n = 44), TC (n = 49) and HC (n = 61) subjects in an ANCOVA (yellow), between TC>HC subjects in a post-hoc t-test (red) and between TC>PTSD in a post-hoc t-test (blue). Age and sex were included as covariates in the analyses. All results are FWE-corrected (α <.05). b) Boxplots with significant (αbonferroni_cor =.05/20 =.0025) differences in mean FA value of the forceps minor between patients with PTSD (n = 44), TC (n = 49) and HC (n = 61) subjects (n = 154). c) Significant correlation (αbonferroni_cor =.05/4 =.0125) between mean FA value in the forceps minor and the mean CAPS score for TC subjects (n = 49) and patients with PTSD (n = 44). d) Anatomical images with mean FA skeleton used for the TBSS analysis (in green). The contrast between TC subjects and patients with PTSD is marked in yellow to red. The forceps minor is marked in blue as a region of interest for clarification.
[Abbreviations: ANCOVA - Analysis of Covariance; CAPS - Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale; FA - Fractional anisotropy; FM - Forceps minor; FWE - Family-wise error correction; HC - Healthy control subjects; I - Inferior; L - Left; P - Posterior; PTSD - Patients with posttraumatic stress disorder; R - Right; S - Superior; TBSS - Tract-based spatial statistics; TC - Trauma control subjects; * α <.05; ** α <.01; *** α <.001].