Meta-signature of genes that are consistently DE in multiple datasets and candidate PDAC diagnostic biomarker panel. (A) Venn diagram of the five training datasets for the DE genes. 74 genes (marked in red) with concordant directionality are common to at least 2 of the 3 tissue datasets (Set 1 to Set 3) and one of the 2 blood datasets (Set 4 and Set 5). (B) Heatmap of the 74 meta-signature genes DE in PDAC from five training datasets. Red = upregulated, Green = downregulated. (C) Heatmap of the 9-upregulated marker genes in training sets for PDAC biomarker panel. (D) Description of the genes from the 9-gene based PDAC biomarker panels. (E) AUC plot [CI: 95%] for 9-gene PDAC classifier across the five training sets using leave one out cross-validation (LOOCV). Set1 and Set 2 are matched normal samples i.e., obtained from same individual. Set 3 normal samples are not matched, Normal samples are obtained from the patients undergoing surgery with other pancreatic diseases. Set 4 and Set 5 are blood sourced studies therefore the normal subjects were matched for gender, age and habits.