Figure 3.
The central diagram corresponds to the space spanning the reduced variables . We distinguish six phases depending on the dominance of the LEB of each replicator type, . (a) -dominant (the simple replicator LEB exceeds that of both parabolic and hyperbolic); (b) i.e., at low densities, it is -dominant, while, for we observe dominance; (c) -dominant at all density values; (d) at low densities and -dominant for ; (e) where the three replicators share dominance at some point, jumping orderedly at density values ; (f) here simple replicators have a higher LEB at low densities than parabolic ones, but hyperbolic ones take over at high densities, . Numerical values of for each plot are: (a) (0.8, 0.8); (b) (1.42, 0.8); (c) (1.82, 0.8); (d) (1.5, 2); (e) (1.125, 1.5); (f) (0.75, 1.5), while for all graphs.