Figure 4.
Treatment suggestions per decision support platform. (A) Frequency of on compendia or off-label indications per tumour type for NAVIFY (left) and CureMatch (right). (B) Frequency of overlapping suggested therapies per platform comparison and per number of drugs. The platform recommendations were compared side-by-side with each other and all three together (x-axis). The number of drugs overlapping from the recommendations is listed on the y-axis. The numbers inside the boxes represent the number of events fitting each category. (C) Treatment alignment among all three platforms was limited to common predictive biomarkers. Here, the most frequently overlapping drugs are shown along with how each decision support platform justified the drug, which sometimes varied. BC, breast cancer; CM, CureMatch; CRC, colorectal cancer; NAVIFY, NAVIFY Mutation Profiler; NSCLC, non-small-cell lung cancer;- QCI, QIAGEN Clinical Insight Interpret.