Table 3.
Average classification accuracy (plus its standard deviation), using 30-fold stratified cross-validation for the classical MoE and EMoE. The accuracies are obtained considering a different number of experts K (). The best result per dataset and number of experts is shown in bold.
Dataset | K = 10 | K = 20 | K = 30 | K = 40 | K = 50 | |||||
MoE | EMoE | MoE | EMoE | MoE | EMoE | MoE | EMoE | MoE | EMoE | |
Ionosphere | 85.1% (0.022) | 88.4% (0.015) | 87.9% (0.025) | 90.1% (0.023) | 86.9% (0.024) | 91.0% (0.025) | 87.3% (0.020) | 90.7% (0.023) | 87.6% (0.029) | 91.1% (0.026) |
Spectf | 70.6% (0.067) | 72.8% (0.073) | 72.7% (0.044) | 78.0% (0.127) | 68.0% (0.067) | 73.2% (0.155) | 71.0% (0.086) | 75.5% (0.075) | 72.5% (0.082) | 74.8% (0.093) |
Sonar | 67.5% (0.046) | 67.5% (0.040) | 67.2% (0.038) | 67.6% (0.047) | 69.2% (0.043) | 69.0% (0.041) | 69.24% (0.052) | 69.28% (0.047) | 67.5% (0.059) | 67.9% (0.059) |
Musk | 75.7% (0.031) | 75.8% (0.030) | 75.9% (0.024) | 76.1% (0.027) | 75.8% (0.022) | 76.1% (0.017) | 76.6% (0.033) | 76.7% (0.037) | 77.4% (0.034) | 77.2% (0.032) |
Arrhythmia | 48.2% (0.035) | 49.7% (0.033) | 51.3% (0.048) | 55.1% (0.063) | 48.3% (0.032) | 56.5% (0.058) | 49.8% (0.028) | 55.0% (0.063) | 50.3% (0.035) | 57.0% (0.038) |
Secom | 88.8% (0.012) | 92.1% (0.008) | 89.1% (0.010) | 92.2% (0.010) | 89.2% (0.014) | 92.3% (0.009) | 89.0% (0.012) | 92.4% (0.009) | 89.6% (0.012) | 92.7% (0.010) |
PIE10P | 100% (0) | 100% (0) | 99.96% (0.001) | 99.96% (0.001) | 100% (0) | 100% (0) | 100% (0) | 100% (0) | 100% (0) | 100% (0) |
Leukemia | 80.8% (0) | 80.8% (0) | 80.6% (0.001) | 80.5% (0.001) | 98.2% (0) | 98.2% (0) | 97.4% (0) | 97.4% (0) | 98.3% (0) | 98.3% (0) |