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. 2019 May 24;21(5):525. doi: 10.3390/e21050525

Table 1.

Overview of measures.

# S.D. Measure S.I. Measure Description Ref.
Φ3.0 Φ3.0peak Integrated information according to IIT 3.0 [5]
A CO Φ3.0 CO Φ3.0peak Cut one connection when making partitions [6]
B NN Φ3.0 NNΦ3.0peak No new concepts after partitioning [6]
C WS Φ3.0 WSΦ3.0peak Whole system as MC
D IC Φ3.0 ICΦ3.0peak Elements with recurrent connections as MC
E Est.nΦ3.0peak Estimate Φ3.0peak from n states (n=1,2,...,15)
F Φ2.0 Φ2.0peak Integrated information according to IIT 2.0 [3]
G Φ2.5 Φ2.5peak Φ2.03.0 hybrid [12]
H D1 Reachable states [15]
I D2 Cumulative variance of elements [15]
J S Coalition sample entropy [13]
K LZ Functional complexity [13]
L Φ* Decoder based integrated information [10]
M SI Integrated stochastic interaction [11]
N MI Mutual information [21]

Abbreviations: S.D.: state-dependent; S.I.: state-independent; Ref: reference; IIT: integrated information theory; Φ: integrated information; Φpeak: maximum Φ over system states; CO: cut-one approximation; NN: no-new-concepts approximation; WS: whole-system approximation; MC: major complex; IC: iterative-cut approximation; Est.n: Φ3.0peak estimated from n sample states; D1/2: state differentiation; S: coalition entropy; LZ: Lempel–Ziv complexity; Φ*: decoder-based Φ; SI: stochastic interaction; MI: mutual information.