1 Introduction
1.1 Quantum Resources |
3 |
1.2 Previous Results Using QSL |
4 |
1.3 Structure of the Present Paper |
5 |
2 Preliminaries
2.1 Turing Machines |
5 |
2.2 Oracle Turing Machines and Oracle Notions |
6 |
2.3 Quantum Computation |
8 |
3 Quantum Simulation Logic
3.1 Elementary Systems |
12 |
3.1.1 States |
12 |
3.1.2 Transformations |
14 |
3.1.3 No Universal Spin-1/2 Inverter |
17 |
3.1.4 Measurement |
18 |
3.1.5 Preparation |
18 |
3.1.6 Non-Commutativity of Measurements |
18 |
3.1.7 QKD—BB84 |
18 |
3.2 Pairs of Elementary Systems |
20 |
3.2.1 Transformations |
20 |
3.2.2 Entanglement |
21 |
3.2.3 Remote Steering |
23 |
3.2.4 Anticorrelation in Spin-Measurements of the Singlet |
24 |
3.2.5 No-Cloning |
24 |
3.2.6 Interference |
25 |
3.2.7 Measurements |
27 |
3.2.8 Superdense Coding |
28 |
3.3 Higher Number of Elementary Systems |
29 |
3.3.1 Teleportation |
30 |
3.3.2 Transformations |
31 |
3.4 Properties and Relations to Other Theories |
32 |
3.4.1 The Relation to Stabilizer Quantum Mechanics, Locality and Contextuality |
32 |
3.4.2 QSL Extends the State Space of Spekkens’ Model |
33 |
3.4.3 QSL Is an Example of a Generalized Probability Theory |
34 |
4 The Bernstein-Vazirani Problem
4.1 Problem Formulation |
35 |
4.2 Classical Algorithm |
35 |
4.3 Quantum Algorithm |
36 |
4.4 QSL Simulation |
36 |
5 The Deutsch-Jozsa Problem
5.1 Problem Formulation |
38 |
5.2 Deterministic and Probabilistic Algorithms |
38 |
5.3 Quantum Algorithm |
39 |
5.4 The Problem for Small Input |
40 |
5.5 QSL Simulation Guaranteed a Constant or Balanced Function |
41 |
5.6 QSL Simulation Accepting Arbitrary Boolean Functions |
42 |
5.7 Query Complexity |
45 |
6 Oracles as a Comparison
6.1 The Additional Structure and Constraints |
45 |
6.2 Is the Black Box Black? |
46 |
6.3 Assumptions in the Use of Oracles |
47 |
6.4 Systematic Phase Errors |
47 |
6.5 Starting with Something Else Than Access to an Oracle |
50 |
7 Grover’s Algorithm
7.1 Problem Formulation |
51 |
7.2 One-Shot Grover |
51 |
7.3 The n-Toffoli |
53 |
7.4 A Scaling Algorithm |
55 |
7.5 Comparison with a 3-qubit Experiment |
56 |
7.6 Application to Ciphers |
56 |
8 Simon’s Algorithm
8.1 Problem Formulation |
57 |
8.2 Probabilistic Solution |
57 |
8.3 Quantum Algorithm |
58 |
8.4 QSL Simulation |
59 |
8.5 Adding the Function Output to the Target Modulo 2 |
61 |
8.6 A Deterministic Algorithm for SIMON’S Problem |
62 |
8.7 Application to Symmetric Ciphers |
64 |
9 Shor’s Algorithm Factoring 15
10 Conclusions
A Constant and Balanced Functions for Three Bits of Input
B Error Probability for Different Constructions of the Majority Function