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. 2019 Aug 15;21(8):800. doi: 10.3390/e21080800
1 Introduction 3
   1.1 Quantum Resources  3
   1.2 Previous Results Using QSL  4
   1.3 Structure of the Present Paper  5
2 Preliminaries 5
   2.1 Turing Machines  5
   2.2 Oracle Turing Machines and Oracle Notions  6
   2.3 Quantum Computation  8
3 Quantum Simulation Logic 11
   3.1  Elementary Systems  12
     3.1.1 States  12
     3.1.2 Transformations  14
     3.1.3 No Universal Spin-1/2 Inverter  17
     3.1.4 Measurement  18
     3.1.5 Preparation  18
     3.1.6 Non-Commutativity of Measurements  18
     3.1.7 QKD—BB84  18
   3.2  Pairs of Elementary Systems  20
     3.2.1 Transformations  20
     3.2.2 Entanglement  21
     3.2.3 Remote Steering  23
     3.2.4 Anticorrelation in Spin-Measurements of the Singlet  24
     3.2.5 No-Cloning  24
     3.2.6 Interference  25
     3.2.7 Measurements  27
     3.2.8 Superdense Coding  28
   3.3  Higher Number of Elementary Systems  29
     3.3.1 Teleportation  30
     3.3.2 Transformations  31
   3.4  Properties and Relations to Other Theories  32
     3.4.1 The Relation to Stabilizer Quantum Mechanics, Locality and Contextuality  32
     3.4.2 QSL Extends the State Space of Spekkens’ Model  33
     3.4.3 QSL Is an Example of a Generalized Probability Theory  34
4 The Bernstein-Vazirani Problem 35
   4.1  Problem Formulation  35
   4.2  Classical Algorithm  35
   4.3  Quantum Algorithm  36
   4.4  QSL Simulation  36
5 The Deutsch-Jozsa Problem 38
   5.1  Problem Formulation  38
   5.2  Deterministic and Probabilistic Algorithms  38
   5.3  Quantum Algorithm  39
   5.4  The Problem for Small Input  40
   5.5  QSL Simulation Guaranteed a Constant or Balanced Function  41
   5.6  QSL Simulation Accepting Arbitrary Boolean Functions  42
   5.7  Query Complexity  45
6 Oracles as a Comparison 45
   6.1  The Additional Structure and Constraints  45
   6.2  Is the Black Box Black?  46
   6.3  Assumptions in the Use of Oracles  47
   6.4  Systematic Phase Errors  47
   6.5  Starting with Something Else Than Access to an Oracle  50
7 Grover’s Algorithm 50
   7.1  Problem Formulation  51
   7.2  One-Shot Grover  51
   7.3  The n-Toffoli  53
   7.4  A Scaling Algorithm  55
   7.5  Comparison with a 3-qubit Experiment  56
   7.6  Application to Ciphers  56
8 Simon’s Algorithm 57
   8.1  Problem Formulation  57
   8.2  Probabilistic Solution  57
   8.3  Quantum Algorithm  58
   8.4  QSL Simulation  59
   8.5  Adding the Function Output to the Target Modulo 2  61
   8.6  A Deterministic Algorithm for SIMON’S Problem  62
   8.7  Application to Symmetric Ciphers  64
9 Shor’s Algorithm Factoring 15 65
10  Conclusions 69
A   Constant and Balanced Functions for Three Bits of Input 70
B   Error Probability for Different Constructions of the Majority Function 72