Donor HLA−DR15 results in 2 types of DR15−restricted responses to ColV post-lung transplantation. A, Development of unrestrained donor HLA−DR15−restricted autoimmune responses to ColV in DR15neg patients ≥1.5 y after lung transplant. Three patients who had received a graft from a DR15+ donor were analyzed by Tv−DTH. PPG26 developed responses to the DR15−restricted peptide p1049 as well as to the DR1/15 cross-reactive peptides p799 and p1439. No response to the DR1−restricted ColV peptide p629 was noted. In DR15neg patients PPG96 and PPG99, we also found strong responses both to ColV and to the DR15−restricted peptide p1049. PPG99 also had a strong response to the donor DR1–restricted ColV peptide p629. PPG96 also responded to p629; whether this is due to peptide presentation by the donor DR is uncertain. B, Development of regulated donor DR15–restricted responses to ColV in DR15neg patients ≥1.5 y after lung transplantation. PPG95, PPG97, and PPG98 also received a lung allograft from a DR15+ donor. While their PBMC did not demonstrate any ColV or ColV peptide reactivity, post-transplant neutralization of TGF−β (PPG98), IL−35 (PPG97), or both (PPG95) revealed a regulated response to ColV as well as the DR15−restricted peptide p1049 post-transplant. PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cells; TGF−β, transforming growth factor−β; Tv−DTH, trans-vivo delayed type hypersensitivity.