Figure 7. Model: Increased loading of condensin on heterochromatin leads to smaller chromatin loops on the mitotic chromosome.
(A) Diagram of regular chromatin organisation by loop extrusion in mitosis. Condensin binds to the chromatin fibre and extrudes loops until blocked by other condensin complexes on either side. This results in an array of large side-by-side loops organised around a condensin scaffold. (Goloborodko et al., 2016; Gibcus et al., 2018). (B) When condensin loading is increased over heterochromatin loop extrusion is halted earlier by the greater concentration of condensin complexes present on the chromatin fibre. This results in an array of smaller loops. (C) This small-loop array results in a decrease in chromatin per unit length, an increase in the ratio of condensin to chromatin and a narrowing of the chromosome width.