Figure 4. Vas2+ germ cells in juvenile gonad rudiments.
(A) Schematic diagram of Nematostella polyp anatomy depicts the gametogenic mesenteries at the mid-body level. (B) A mid-body level cross section through a juvenile polyp, note the enlarged primary mesenteries (yellow arrows). Nuclei are counter stained by DAPI (green). (C and D) Representative images of maturing mesenteries with corresponding schematic diagrams. Putative PGCs are labeled by Vas2 immunofluorescence in red. (E) Whole-mount juvenile female mesentery shows Vas2-labeled putative PGCs and germ cells in close proximity (red), suggesting maturing oocytes originate from the continuous PGC lineage. (F) Whole-mount juvenile male mesentery shows Vas2-labeled putative PGC and germ cell populations, including the rudimentary sperm cysts. Insets 1–4 of E and F are xz plane views at the indicated levels. Scale bar = 100 µm in B; 20 µm in C–F.