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. 2020 Sep 8;86(4):475–486. doi: 10.1007/s00280-020-04134-9

Table 2.

Final population pharmacokinetic parameter estimates

Conjugated CPT Free CPT
Estimate (95% CI) %RSE Shr. Estimate (95% CI) %RSE Shr.
Structural model
 V1=V1,70kg×BW70kg1 V3=V3,70kg×BW70kg1
 V1,70kg(L) 3.16 (2.91–3.40) 4% V3,70kg(L) 21.1 (12.9–30.5) 22%
 V2=V2,70kg×BW70kg1 V4=V4,70kg×BW70kg1
 V2,70kg(L) 2.09 (1.89–2.32) 5% V4,70kg(L) 19.4 (15.0-24.3) 13%
 Q1=Q1,70kg×BW70kg0.75 Q3=Q3,70kg×BW70kg0.75
 Q1,70kg(L/h) 0.0482 (0.0381–0.0617) 12% Q3,70kg(L/h) 25.6 (13.6–46.0) 33%
 CLB=CLB,70kg×BW70kg0.75 CL3=CL3,70kg×BW70kg0.75
 CLB,70kg(L/h) 0.0988 (0.0870–0.1129) 7% CL3,70kg(L/h) 0.874 (0.738–1.044) 9%
 CLF(L/h) 5.71 (3.89–7.85) 18%
 t1/2(h) 0.307 (0.265–0.356) 8%
Random effects
 BSVV1(CV%) 18.1 (12.3–24.7) 36% 6% BSVV3(CV%) 79.8 (56.8–117) 42% 5%
 BSVV1,CLB(corr.) 0.918# BSVV3,CL3(corr.) 0.884#
 BSVCLB(CV%) 33.5 (25.3–43.7) 29% 2% BSVCL3(CV%) 42.2 (31.8–57.4) 33% 5%
 BSVCLF(CV%) 62.6 (44.2–86.4) 35% 5%
Residual error
 BoundREproportional(%) 12.3 (11.2–13.6) 10% 9% FreeREproportional(%) 24.8 (22.3–28.1) 12% 10%
 BoundREadditive(ng/mL) 5.07 (1.27–13.86) 64% 9% FreeREadditive(ng/mL) 0.396 (0.061–0.852) 53% 10%

95% CIs for parameter estimates were obtained via the 2.5 and 97.5% quantile estimates calculated during the SIR analysis

Conjugated CPT parameters: V1 central volume of distribution, V2 peripheral volume of distribution, Q1 inter–compartmental clearance (V1 − V2), CLB base conversion rate of conjugated CPT to free CPT (V1 – V3), CLF time-dependent rate conversion of conjugated CPT to free CPT (V1 – V3), t1/2 half-life of first-order decay scalar term governing CLF-mediated CPT conversion

Free CPT parameters: V3 central volume of distribution, V4 peripheral volume of distribution, Q3 inter-compartmental clearance (V3 − V4), CL3 clearance of free CPT from V3

Population estimates V1,70 kg, V2,70 kg, Q1,70 kg, CLB,70 kg, V3,70 kg, V4,70 kg, Q3,70 kg, and CL3,70 kg correspond to a 70 kg subject and are adjusted to individual values using the corresponding parameter formulas

CI confidence interval, %RSE percent relative standard error, Shr shrinkage, BW body weight, BSV between-subject variability, RE residual error, corr correlation coefficient

#Correlation coefficient for specified covariance term is reported without 95% CI or %RSE