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. 2020 Feb 7;59(10):2774–2784. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kez684

Table 2.

Efficacy overview at week 156 (ixekizumab intention-to-treat population)

Ixekizumab Q4W (n = 107)
Ixekizumab Q2W (n = 103)
Responder rate,n/Nx (%) mNRI NRI MI mNRI NRI MI
  ACR20 75/107 (69.8) 54/107 (50.5) 95/107 (89.3) 64/103 (62.5) 52/103 (50.5) 91/103 (88.1)
  ACR50 55/107 (51.8) 41/107 (38.3) 68/107 (63.7) 58/103 (56.1) 47/103 (45.6) 79/103 (76.7)
  ACR70 36/107 (33.4) 29/107 (27.1) 41/107 (38.2) 45/102 (43.8) 37/103 (35.9) 57/102 (55.6)
  MDA 43/106 (40.6) 36/107 (33.6) 52/106 (49.4) 50/103 (48.9) 44/103 (42.7) 70/103 (68.0)
  VLDA 19/107 (17.3) 18/107 (16.8) 19/107 (17.9) 22/103 (21.0) 21/103 (20.4) 25/103 (23.8)
  LDAa 68/107 (63.6) 51/107 (50.5) 85/107 (79.9) 64/103 (62.5) 54/103 (54.7) 90/103 (87.2)
  Remissionb 27/107 (24.8) 24/107 (22.4) 29/107 (27.3) 31/103 (29.9) 29/103 (28.2) 38/103 (36.6)
  PASDAS LDA ≤3.2 49/104 (46.9) 39/107 (36.4) 63/103 (61.4) 59/102 (57.6) 51/103 (49.5) 83/102 (80.9)
  PASDAS ≤1.9 22/104 (21.4) 20/107 (18.7) 25/103 (24.7) 28/102 (27.8) 26/103 (25.2) 36/102 (35.3)
  LEI=0c 32/68 (47.4) 26/68 (38.2) 45/68 (65.9) 23/57 (40.3) 19/57 (33.3) 33/57 (57.5)
  LDI-B=0d 23/37 (61.6) 21/39 (53.8) 26/37 (70.1) 17/25 (69.3) 17/26 (65.4) 21/25 (84.9)
  PASI 75e 46/73 (63.5) 35/73 (47.9) 61/73 (84.1) 41/59 (69.1) 36/59 (61.0) 58/59 (97.5)
  PASI 90e 37/73 (51.2) 28/73 (38.4) 50/73 (68.7) 38/59 (64.5) 34/59 (57.6) 54/59 (91.7)
  PASI 100e 32/73 (43.6) 24/73 (32.9) 43/73 (58.6) 36/59 (60.5) 32/59 (54.2) 49/59 (83.7)
  NAPSI (0)f 36/68 (53.6) 28/69 (40.6) 52/68 (76.0) 42/74 (57.1) 38/74 (51.4) 60/74 (81.1)
  HAQ-DI MCIDg 51/100 (51.1) 39/100 (39.0) 64/100 (63.7) 46/90 (50.8) 39/90 (43.3) 67/90 (74.8)

Change from baseline h mBOCF MI mBOCF MI

  LEIc −1.7 (1.8) −2.1 (0.2) −1.7 (1.7) −2.5 (0.2)
  LDI-Bd −51.2 (91.0) −60.7 (15.6) −55.4 (61.3) −59.9 (11.9)
  NAPSIf −15.2 (19.9) −17.6 (2.7) −16.7 (21.9) −23.6 (2.5)
  HAQ-DI −0.37 (0.57) −0.49 (0.06) −0.49 (0.59) −0.66 (0.07)
  SF-36 PCS score 7.9 (10.2) 10.3 (1.1) 8.3 (9.6) 10.9 (1.0)
  SF-36 MCS score 3.5 (11.6) 4.1 (1.3) 3.8 (10.3) 5.2 (1.1)
  EQ-5D VAS 12.0 (24.8) 14.7 (2.9) 13.7 (21.1) 18.3 (2.5)
  WPAI absenteeism −4.8 (18.8) −8.7 (2.9) 0.2 (27.7) −2.5 (4.1)
  WPAI activity impairment −21.3 (26.1) −28.3 (2.8) −26.1 (26.0) −32.1 (2.7)
  WPAI presenteeism −18.0 (27.2) −28.4 (4.2) −21.2 (21.8) −25.0 (3.3)
  WPAI work productivity −17.5 (26.0) −29.4 (4.1) −18.2 (25.0) −24.8 (3.5)

DAPSA score >4 and ≤14.


DAPSA score ≤4.


Patients with baseline LEI > 0.


Patients with baseline LDI-B > 0.


Patients with baseline psoriasis of ≥3% body surface area.


Patients with baseline fingernail psoriasis present.


Patients with baseline HAQ-DI score ≥0.35.


Data are presented as the mean (s.e.m.) for MI analysis and mean (s.d.) for mBOCF analysis.

DAPSA: disease activity index for psoriatic arthritis; EQ-5D: EuroQoL 5 dimension questionnaire; LDA: low disease activity; LDI-B: Leeds dactylitis index-basic; LEI: Leeds enthesitis index; mBOCF: modified baseline observation carried forward; MCID: minimal clinically important difference; MCS: mental component summary; MDA: minimal disease activity; MI: multiple imputation; mNRI: modified non-responder imputation; NAPSI: nail psoriasis severity index; NR: near remission; Nx: number of patients with non-missing data; PASDAS: psoriatic arthritis disease activity score; PASI: psoriasis area and severity index; PCS: physical component summary; Q4W/Q2W: 80 mg once every 4 weeks/2 weeks; SF-36: 36-item short form health survey; VAS: visual analog scale; VLDA: very low disease activity; WPAI: work productivity and activity impairment questionnaire.