Expression pattern of MCMV-encoded envelope glycoproteins and tegument protein. (A) Percentage of cells that express MCMV-encoded proteins at 6, 24, and 48 hpi determined by immunofluorescence staining with specific mAbs (Supplementary Table S1). The data represent mean ± SEM from four experiments. (B) Colocalization analysis of M55 and M74. Cells were infected with Δm138-MCMV (MOI 10) and 48 hpi and stained for expression of M55 and M74. The pixel overlaps coefficients of M74 with M55 (M1), and M55 with M74 (M2) measured across the Costes-algorythm thresholded z-stacks of confocal images are shown in the right. Data represent mean ± SEM per cell (n = 20). Fluorescence intensity profiles along white dashed lines are shown below images. (C) Colocalization analysis of M55 and M25. Cells treated as described above were stained with specific mAbs (Supplementary Table S1) and corresponding isotype-specific secondary Abs. Serial images of the boxed area acquired at higher magnification are shown at the bottom. (D) Patterns of M55 and M25 expression. Cells stained for M55 and M25 as described in C were classified according to the pattern of M25 expression (M25 T1, T2, and T3) and the percentage of cells that express one of these patterns determined at 6, 16, 24, and 48 hpi. T1, cells that express M55 but not M25; T2, cells that express M55 and M25 in the nucleus; and T3, cells that express M55 and either M25 in both nucleus and cytoplasm or only in the cytoplasm. The data represent mean ± SEM from three experiments. Cell borders are indicated by fine dashed lines and nuclei by fine dotted lines. Bars, 10 μm. 2-column fitting image.