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. 2020 Jul 9;22(7):751. doi: 10.3390/e22070751
v the greatest integer less than or equal to v
r variant average bitrate change due to applying specific transform variant
c den cost of denoising of a sample
cenc cost of entropy coding of a single prediction error
cest cost of estimating bitrate per single sample
c LS cost of a single LS
c pred cost of predicting a sample
f number of filters
l transform level
M number of samples in the subband
MaxPE the greatest prediction error obtained
MinPE the smallest prediction error obtained
N upper neighbor of the pixel being predicted
n number of iterations of the step B of the heuristic
NW upper-left neighbor of the pixel being predicted
P size of the image (number of pixels)
p number of predictors
pi probability of occurrence of the prediction error value i in the subband
q signal length
r DWT average bitrate of unmodified JPEG 2000
S discrete signal
si i-th signal sample
sid denoised sample si
TasNH cost of applying RDLSs while computing all subbands by NH
TasRH cost of applying RDLSs while computing all subbands by RH
TfsH0_RH cost of applying prediction and entropy coding of final subbands by entropy estimation-based variant of RH
TfsNH cost of applying prediction and entropy coding of final subbands by NH
TfsRH cost of applying prediction and entropy coding of final subbands by RH
TJ time of unmodified JPEG 2000 compression
W left-hand neighbor of the pixel being predicted