PPARγ Expression Trajectory in the CD14+/CD16+ Cell Compartment in Lungs
(A) TSNE dimensional reduction of CD14+/CD16+ cells from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients with severe COVID-19 (sc, in blue) as compared with healthy donors (control, in red); (B) TSNE dimensional reduction of CD14+/CD16+ cells with a projection of three expression categories for PPARγ: cells with high expression of PPARγ in red, cells with medium expression of PPARγ in blue, and cells with low expression of PPARγ in green; (C) Pseudotime transformation of single-cell transcriptome of the CD14+/CD16+ cell compartment (dot size represents PPARγ expression); (D) Pseudotime transformation with projection of PPARγ cell expression categories; (E) Pseudotime expression heatmap of PPARγ trajectory in the CD14+/CD16+ cell compartment of bronchoalveolar lavage fluids; (F) TSNE on markers following PPARγ trajectory in the CD14+/CD16+ cell compartment; (G) Pseudotime expression of IDO1 in the CD14+/CD16+ cell compartment of bronchoalveolar lavage fluids.