RPE encoding. Voxel-wise group effect maps presenting the parametric
modulation values of: (A) Visit 1, corrected for FWE with a threshold of p =
0.005 and a minimal cluster size of 102 voxels; (B) Visit 2, upper panel is
corrected similarly and the lower panel is with a non-corrected p = 0.005; (C)
Visit 3, using an uncorrected p = 0.005 (upper panel), or an uncorrected p =
0.05 (lower panel). (D) Mean ROI RPE encoding levels, across all voxels per
region, averaged across all subject per visit (error bars depict the standard
error). The effect size for each ROI (Cohen’s d, peak beta value): right
insula: visit 1 (−1.17, −0.09), visit 2 (−2.03,
−0.12), visit 3 (−1.24, −0.08); left insula: visit 1
(−1.41, −6.62), visit 2 (−3.11, −0.12), visit 3
(−1.25, −0.083); striatum: visit 1 (1.49, 0.074), visit 2 (1.81,
0.046), visit 3 (1.44, 0.05).