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. 2020 Sep 24;30(4):681–692. doi: 10.18865/ed.30.4.681

Table 5. Description of student characteristics by intended major classification at BUILD Institutionsa.

Characteristics Intended major classification
Natural/life science, n=15,969 Social/behavioral science, n=2,513 Non-biomed, n=10,310
Mean (SD, range) Mean (SD, range) Mean (SD, range) Pb
Age, n=25,783 18.4 (1.3, 15–51) 18.7 (2.7, 17-59) 18.7 (2.4, 16-64) <.0001
N (%)c N (%) N (%)
Sex, n=28,147 <.0001
Female 9,612 (61) 2,109 (86) 6,436 (64)
Male 6,052 (39) 334 (14) 3,604 (36)
Non-response 305 70 270
Race/ethnicity, n=28,600 <.0001
Hispanic/Latino 2,580 (16) 620 (25) 2,107 (21)
African American/Black 3,126 (20) 570 (23) 1,544 (15)
Asian 3,265 (21) 266 (11) 1,443 (14)
White 4,490 (28) 591 (24) 3,273 (32)
American Indian/Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander 306 (2) 35 (1) 210 (2)
Two or more races (not incl. Latinos) 2,112 (13) 416 (17) 1,646 (16)
Non-response 90 15 87
Family demographics
First generation college, n=25,616 3,322 (23) 663 (30) 2,432 (27) <.0001
Family SES/total income, n=25,674 <.0001
<$19,999 1,345 (9) 265 (12) 975 (11)
$20,000 - $29,999 2,229 (16) 438 (20) 1,600 (17)
$30,000 - $59,999 2,863 (20) 510 (23) 1,915 (21)
$60,000 or more 7,838 (55) 972 (45) 4,724 (51)
Non-response 1694 328 1096
Pell grants, n=27,025 6,250 (41) 1,195 (51) 4,200 (44) <.0001
Family covers some expenses, n=26,796 10,862 (73) 1,598 (69) 6,692 (70) <.0001
At least one disability, n=16,831d 2,184 (24) 565 (38) 1,951 (32) <.0001

BUILD, Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity Institutions.

a. Data from Higher Education Research Institute (HERI) The Freshman Survey respondents from 2015 – 2019.

b. Chi-square test except age, which uses ANOVA.

c. Percent responders for a given question.

d. HERI Freshman Survey - 2016 and 2018-2019 only.

Sample sizes may differ within and across tables due to non-response for selected questions.