Figure 3.
JQ1 treatment of HPV+ HNSCC cell lines.
(a) Alternative splicing event (ASE) count in each of the 47 samples of discovery cohort, along with the ASE count in UM-SCC-047 and UPCI-SCC-090 cell lines as shaded in black. Samples where ASE count ≥ median of 46 ASEs per tumour are shown in dark grey, with UM-SCC-047 in the lower half (ASE count of 26) and UPCI-SCC-090 in the upper half (ASE count of 60) (b and c) Treatment with JQ1 resulted in a decrease in cell proliferation in 090 (p < 0.0001) and 047 (p < 0.005). (d and e) Fold change of ASE and WT isoform expression in response to JQ1: A fold change greater than 1 indicates an increase, while a fold change less than 1 indicates a decrease. Error bars denote standard deviation.