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. 2020 Jul 24;11(4):242–261. doi: 10.1080/21645698.2020.1779574
Country Area of trait (‘000 ha) Yield assumption % change Base yield (tonnes/ha) Farm level price ($/tonne) Cost of technology ($/ha) Impact on costs, net of cost of technology ($/ha) Change in farm income ($/ha) Change in farm income at national level (‘000 $) Production impact (‘000 tonnes)
US 29,772 Nil 11.07 137 +24.23 −32.11 +32.11 +955,993 Nil
Canada 1,402 Nil 9.71 150 +26.69 −8.89 +8.89 +12,469 Nil
Argentina: as single trait 200 +3% con belt, +22% marginal areas 9.06
corn belt, 5.48 marginal areas
151 +6.64 −2.54 +41.10 corn belt, +182.3 marginal areas +25,676 +166
Argentina: as stacked trait 5,065 +10.25 7.95 151 +19.90 −10.68 +112.57 +570,281 +4,130
South Africa 1,781 Nil 4.79 174 +12.08 −0.84 +0.84 +1,490 Nil
Philippines 630 +5 3.02 266 +37.98 +13.14 +26.78 +16,868 +95
Colombia 76 Zero 5.47 244 +23.16 −9.82 +9.82 +746 Nil
Brazil 14,740 +3 5.04 128 +28.16 +14.12 +2.54 +77 +2,231
Uruguay 107 Nil 7.61 226 +6.64 −2.54 +2.54 +272 Nil
Paraguay 380 Nil 5.59 151 +12.82 +3.23 +3.23 +1,227 Nil
Vietnam 49 +5 4.65 234 +25.29 +15.99 +38.50 +4,429 +11

Where no positive yield effect due to this technology is applied, the base yields shown are the indicative average yields for the crops and differ (are higher) than those used for the GM IR base yield analysis, which have been adjusted downwards to reflect the impact of the yield enhancing technology (see below). Argentina: single trait. In the Corn Belt, it is assumed that 70% of trait plantings occur in this region and marginal regions account for the balance. In relation to stacked traits, the yield impact (+10.25%) is in addition to the yield 5.5% impact presented for the GM IR trait (above). In other words, the total estimated yield impact of stacked traits is +15.75%. The cost of the technology also relates specifically to the HT part of the technology (sold within the stack)