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. 2020 Aug 13;14(1):207–213. doi: 10.1080/19336896.2020.1803516

Table 2.

Laboratory and neuroimaging findings of MM2 c and MM1/classic CJD groups.

    MM2 c (N = 6) MM1/classic CJD (N = 8)
First EEG      
 slowing   4/6 (66.7%) 6/8 (75%)
 paroxysm (Focal sharp waves or focal spike and wave complexes) 6/6 (100%) 0/8 (0%)
  (Lateralized diffuse sharp waves or
lateralized diffuse spike and wave complexes)
0/6 (0%) 5/8 (62.5%)
  (PSWCs) 0/6 (0%) 3/8 (37.5%)
Follow up EEG    
 slowing   6/6 (100%) 8/8 (100%)
 paroxysm (Focal sharp waves or focal spike and wave complexes) 3/6 (50%) 0/8 (0%)
  (Lateralized diffuse sharp waves or
lateralized diffuse spike and wave complexes)
0/6 (0%) 1/8 (12.5%)
  (PSWCs) 3/6 (50%) 7/8 (87.5%)
Abnormal signal on MRI    
 CO   6/6 (100%) 8/8 (100%)
 BG   0/6 (0%) 5/8 (62.5%)
 TH   0/6 (0%) 0/8 (0%)
Cerebrospinal fluid    
 T-tau protein positivity 1/6 (16.7%) 8/8 (100%)
 14-3-3 protein positivity 3/6 (50%) 8/8 (100%)
 RT-QuIC positivity 4/5 (80%) 6/6 (100%)
 Codon129 Met/Met 6/6 (100%) 5/5 (100%)
 Codon219 Glu/Glu 6/6 (100%) 5/5 (100%)
Pathological anatomy 2/6 (33.3%) 3/8 (37.5%)

BG: basal ganglia, CO: cerebral cortex, EEG: electroencephalogram, Glu: glutamic acid, Met: methionine, MRI: magnetic resonance image, PSWC: paroxysmal sharp wave complex, RT-QuIC: real-time quaking-induced conversion, TH: thalamus, sCJD: sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, MM2 c: methionine homozygosity type 2 cortical form.